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Longmont Classes

Days for Girls Club--Volunteer your time and skills to help girls world-wide! Longmont

This project was started 10 years ago to help girls who couldn't attend school during their period because they didn't have sanitary supplies. They would sit on cardboard or in a tent during that time. "Days For Girls" is an organization that has volunteers across the country who make "personal hygiene kits" out of flannel, PUL, and cotton to provide re-usable products for these young women to make it feasible for them to attend school and gracefully continue with their daily lives during that time.

Basic Garment Sewing Technique Series: Session 1; Patterns, Cutting and Marking in Longmont

This basic sewing series consists of 4 four-hour sessions. It includes topics of interest to new sewists interested in mastering basic garment sewing skills. Students may sign up for any or all of the classes offered.

Basic Garment Sewing Technique Series: Session 2; Needles, Thread, Basic Sewing Machine Maintenance, Seams and Seam Finishes in Longmont

This basic sewing series consists of 4 four-hour session. It includes topics of interest to new sewists looking to master basic garment skills.

Oct 15
Days for Girls Club--Volunteer your time and skills to help girls world-wide! Longmont
Oct 19
Basic Garment Sewing Technique Series: Session 3; Closures, Zippers, and Buttonholes
Oct 26
Basic Garment Sewing Technique Series: Session 4; Hems, Elastic, Casings, Trim, and Decorative Stitching